Big Brother is coming to a close on Wednesday! Currently we have the Final Three (Derrik, Cody and Victoria) battling it out on hang gliders. If all goes as I suspect it will, Cody will win this.
Derrik will most likely win whatever the next competition is, putting Derrik and Cody against one another in the Final potion of the HOH competition. At that point - it's anyone's game. Naturally, I am hoping for Team Derrik!
I have been a fan of his ever since America nominated him for Team America. As an audience member, seeing the diary sessions and the various conversations, it is clear that he is perhaps one of the very best players this game has ever seen. He has won competitions, he's had a great social game and he's played incredible strategic. He pretty much controlled absolutely everything that went on in this house.
Only trouble is, he may have hid all his maneuvering a little TOO well. If he is up against Cody in the Finals, he is going to have one hell of a time convincing the jury in such a short period of time that it was in fact him calling the shots and Cody was pretty much along for the ride.
Cody was a good player though. So if he should win, I wouldn't be too disappointed. Victoria doesn't stand a chance in hell so whomever wins the final HOH really should take her. The hitmen needs to be dissembled.
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