Monday, July 28, 2014

Calling All Fruit Loop Dingsus'!?

Report To Duty on Big Brother 16!

If anyone can fill me in on exactly what the hell a Fruit Loop Dingus is, that would be greatly appreciated.  I don't hate Zach. But I'm not sure if I like him either. He is overtly annoying but semi-entertaining and perhaps he still makes good TV.  At least he isn't as predictable as the rest of the house. He's not afraid to shake things up, even if what he says and does makes absolutely no sense to anyone not living in his fruity little existence.


You Suck.

Did you even try to instigate a fight? It wouldn't be so easy to say something to Zach about being a douchebag and then let the house react. Buncha sissies.

The best thing about Sunday's episode was Caleb and Amber's date. It was so painfully, yet hilariously, awkward! Caleb really is two cents short of a clue and it's priceless how the editing team for Big Brother is making him look like a total dipshit. Or is it editing? Who knows. I still don't like Amber though and I don't understand what the draw is to her anyways.  I know she's Zach's "target" and I wouldn't be sad to see her go, but I wouldn't mind Zach shaking up the house and sending Caleb packing. Someone need to do something to make this season interesting again. Something.

CBS has invited past house guests to write Blogs, recapping the week's events. Dan did one, which was boring as the day is long. However, Britney never fails to disappoint.

 Read her blog A Creep, An Idiot and A Pre-Pubescent Teen for a fun perspective of someone not afraid to call it how she sees it!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Missing Something Cody?

Here Cody, I got you some balls. I thought you might need them. Before I get into talking about how much of a p*ssy Cody is, let me ask you this. What kind of a 23 year old still calls his parents Mommy and Daddy? Don't believe me? Check out his HOH Blog.

You've got to love Big Brother editing because they almost make you believe that those playing the game have intelligence and are capable of making big and necessary moves! Then it hits you like a brick! "Psych! Just Kidding. They're all idiots" Thanks Big Brother.

My love affair Derrik as noted here is coming to an end. I've never been the sort of fan who supports getting the floaters out and making moves that the 'house' wants. I still think he's smart but I really wish Derrik would stop being a sissy and go after some of the big move makers. If he's not careful, he could be the first 'big guy' they go after.

With that said, it was a bit of a hero move when he gave up HOH so Frankie could see a photo from his deceased Grand Father. You know he would've beat Frankie out of that competition for sure, so I've got to give credit where credit is due. Granted, I am sure he did it because he didn't WANT HoH and wanted to continued to avoid the proverbial "Blood on my hands" thing that everyone in the house seems to be so terrified of.

I am actually hoping Zach becomes HOH because, at this point, I think he's the only one ballsy enough to make a big move. Here's hoping!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bomb Squad Has Been Detonated

Now that Devin has gone, the Bomb Squad has cut Amber and Caleb loose and renamed themselves The Detonators. Isn't that the coolest thing ever? Is the sarcasm melting from my screen? These people are damn fools and I am disappointed in Derrik for going along with it. The rest of the house still considers the core of the bomb squad in tact, so they should be focusing their efforts on creating a NEW alliance.

I'd like to take a moment to discuss Team America's latest mission.

Mission: To get a 'physical threat' on the block.
Result: Amber is placed on the block.

Amber? Really? REALLY? Yeah, she may be a strong female competitor but I hardly believe for one moment that the good ole' USA meant to put anyone other than a strong male force on the block and shame on your Big Brother for allowing them to get the prize money for it. In my humble opinion, they took the easy way out and have failed this mission!

Frankie has once again been dethroned and Cody's nominees of Brittany and Victoria remain on The Block. Yawn. Snooze. Who cares. I am just so disheartened by the nominations that I don't even care what happens this week.

I was reading an article last name called 61 Signs You're Obsessed With Big Brother. There was only
a handful that actually made me chuckle but #60 and #61 cracked me up. Why? Because it's true!

60. You firmly believe you could play a better, smarter, or more strategic game than the current crop of houseguests. 

 The game IS much easier from the comfort of our living room but the follow up to this was Spot-On!

61. But then you realize personally competing on Big Brother would involve you consistently wearing a speedo/bikini on national television and think, “Nah, I’m good.”

Honest to effin' God, I literally laughed out loud because the number of times I tried to envision myself in that house, was always cut short by thinking about having to wear those never ending spandex outfits!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Buh-Bye Devin

Surprisingly I was not as excited to see Devin go as I originally thought I would be. There was a good case for getting rid of Caleb and quite frankly his obsession with Amber is getting ridiculous and is well past the point of good T.V.

If you want some insight as to Why They Should Have Voted Our Caleb <== Click Dan's Blog There. I'll take this opportunity to verbalize why I actually disagree with Dan (Whom I love dearly and consider one of the best BB players of all time)

Making big moves is important but with those moves comes waves and you better be prepared to respond accordingly. Not everyone is Dan. Not everyone can successfully hold their own funeral. Derrik is a great player but I am not convinced yet that he is cunning enough to pull Dan-Style trickery should "the entire house" decide they didn't like his big move.

Derrik is a solid player, with solid relationships. Thus far he's been honest, hard working and smart. He doesn't need to make any unnecessary big moves yet. Keeping Devin in the house would've been too risky because Devin is just so damn unpredictable. He is a strong player who has allowed his emotions to lead him astray. He could've easily won HOH next week and the scariest thing about it would've been that no one would've had a sweet clue what to expect. That is NOT someone you want in the house.

Caleb, on the other hand, is so unfocused right now that he isn't much of a threat. It's actually kind of embarrassing because it's fairly easy to predict what his next move will be, just as Derrik has already proven by coyly getting Caleb to nominate himself to protect 'his queen' (Major Eye Roll)

I am not sure which duo will win the HOH (or has won because I don't do spoilers) but it should be interesting to see which way the house leans now. Get rid of floaters or go for the threats? I'm ready to see Whocasta go home.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Veto Say What?

Tonight is the big night when the house guests go head to head in an effort to win the Power of Veto! I wasn't going to write until Friday but I thought I would make a 'Prediction Post' if you will and see if my Spidey Senses are in tune with the game.

So Nicole has disappeared somewhere and it's a big mystery. It would be cool if BBUSA pulled a BBCanada and had a secret room somewhere but I don't think they're clever enough for that. So I am sure Nicole will turn up somewhere having to do some ridiculous penalty task.

Where we were? Oh yeah. Predictions. So those left on the nomination block are Caleb and Jocasta. (Seriously, who is this woman?) If my memory serves me correctly (and it rarely does) we don't know who is actually in the Veto Competition yet but the hope is that whomever wins, takes someone off the block and Devin gets back-door'd.

The only flaw in this plan is if Devin gets selected to fight for Veto. Let's face it, the guy is athletic but what's even more important is he has fire in his heart when it comes to winning. If he is selected to participate, the plan could very well back-fire and Whocasta could go home. Or, if people get ballsy - Caleb. But I don't think that's going to happen.

I think this plan will work as intended and some big bad hero will win Veto, remove ... probably Whocasta, Devin goes up and Devin goes home. Granted if Devin and Caleb are on the block together and Devin plays a low key game he might be able to convince people to send pretty boy Caleb home. Hard tellin' though. Devin has a friendship with Caleb and after the emotional roller coaster he's (Devin) been on, I'm not sure he'd risk 'jeopardizing his character' again in an effort to send his home-boy packing. (leave your conscious at home people, this is Big Brother!)

With all considered  - I think the mission will go as planned, Devin will be back-door'd and my hero Derrik will have successfully maneuvered a huge move in this game without getting a speck of blood on his hands. Well done my man, well done. Okay okay, I'll save the congrats until Thursday night! ;)

Donny Thompson
It's time for a shout-out to my one Blog Reader out there, represent the 709 Paul! He asked my thoughts on Donny, so I will give them because I aim to please! Donny is someone that everyone is going to love until they find a reason not to. People will look for fault and it will namely be in his game play, not his personality. He is honest, down to earth, compassionate and he's simple - it's hard to fault the guy for being who he is. However, I think he is also a competitor. He may not be burly like some of the pretty boy jocks on the show but he's physical enough to hold his own and has more common sense than the whole house combined.

Donny is a backwoods kind of guy and I think he will go a long way in this house. Does he have the potential to win? Yeah. (Don't think he will but he could) Unless there comes a time where he has to put a knife in someone's back. I think he'd turn it on himself before playing dirty and it could cost him the game. With that said, while it's endearing - I wish he'd shave the damn beard! He'd probably be half good looking without the small rodent growing on his chin.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Derrick Is My Hero

Pow Wow has gone Ka-Pow and has exited stage left. Good riddance. We're now left with people who actually have some charisma and know how to play the game.  Well except for Jocasta. Who is she anyways and when did she join Big Brother?!

Derrick Levasseur
Derrick is my hero. This dude wasn't even on my radar until American voted him into the Team America alliance. (Way to go USA, you did something right!) Now, he's just a whole can of awesome sauce. He is smart, level headed, willing to make moves, competitive, well-liked. In other words, a big threat! Hopefully his intelligence will keep him around awhile because he obviously has all the skills required to not only play this game - but win it. I am officially on Team Derrick.

Hayden, Nicole and Christine have a good thing going too. Granted, Nicole is beyond naive and likely doesn't have the stamina to win (she's already breaking down because she feels 'guilty') but Christine just might be cunning enough to surprise everyone. She's someone who is looked at as holding value though I am not quite sure what she's actually done yet to earn the title. Yet, I am interested to see what she has to say so she must be doing something right.

Caleb is still too arrogant for his own good. His macho move to "save" Amber may end up costing him his own game. Really man? There's plenty of hot chicks in the world (and she's not even that hot IMO) don't blow your chance on Big Brother for some ass (which you'll never get to tap anyways).

Frankie is still a champ. I hope to see more of he and Derrik working together - outside of Team America. Speaking of which - how lame were the choices of "tasks" this week, EH? Spread a rumor that two people are a couple, or spread a rumor that someone is related to a past BB house guest. Really Big Brother? Are we in grade 9? That's the best you could come up with? Rhetorical.

I've got to give Devin some credit for being smart enough to figure out the back-door plan. Not that it is rocket science but it shows he's not too busy admiring his fake smile to see the game is going on with or without him. If this plan doesn't work and Devin somehow manages to secure veto and remain off the block -  I hope they send the Jocasta girl home. I have no interest in investing time to try and figure out who she is and how the hell she got on the show with next to no personality.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

I'm A Big Brother Funatic!

I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a Big Brother fanatic or even a student of the game but I have seen pretty much every episode since it's conception and absolutely love this show.

No one else in my house watches the show so I'm often left to my own devices when it comes to discussing what is going down and my opinions of people, so I thought - what the hell - why not start another blog I won't finish! So here it is!

Thus far we've had one eviction and I fully admit, I had to refer to the Big Brother website to even remember. Not to say I didn't enjoy Joey but something about her eviction was obviously forgetable.  I am not wasting my time or yours with any sort of a recap. Chances are if you're reading this blog - it's because you actually watch the show, so let's just get down to business.

Caleb Reynolds

I fully admit I have a soft spot for Caleb since he is a Kentucky boy but it pretty much ends there. The only thing I really have to say about him is I found it absolutely hilarious how Amber shut this pretty boy down hard and fast! Sure they're both attractive people but neither one of them cranks my tractor. The true sign of an over-confident country boy is, after the girl rejects him left right and center, he still has the audacity to make the comment "I don't know if I just made her day or not". Really? Dude. she's not interested.

Brittany Martinez

I can't help it, I like Brittany and it has nothing to do with her sob story of being a single parent. However, I will give her props for being intelligent enough to play that care with psycho boy to ensure her longevity in the house. She clearly doesn't like Devin and could have had an early exit if she stuck to her principal but instead - she swallowed her pride and did what she had to do to stay in the game. To me, that shows the make of a true player. It should be interesting to see the shit hit the fan when she confronts Pow Wow or whatever the hell her name is. I really hope Pow Wow is sent packing for no other reason than she makes me feel dumber by just watching her.

Frankie Grande
I wanted to hate him. I really did. I tried. But I can't! I figured coming into the show having a celebrity sibling (one that I've never even heard of) would go to his head. Well maybe it had and does but he's so fun and charismatic I don't even care. He's enjoyable to watch, is entertaining, is playing a great game and isn't being the typical 'gay guy' who hangs with all the girls, painting his nails. I give kudos to the other men in the house who treat him like one of the boys, I think that really made a difference in Frankie's game.

Devin Shepherd
I don't want to do a character analysis on every house guest but I can't conclude my first entry without putting into words how much of a dipshit Devin is. While I can (painfully) admit that after reading his HOH Blog, I dislike him a little less - he still remains one of the most overly annoying people I've ever seen attempt to play this game. And I mean attempt. I know he'll say he's playing hard but there's a difference between flapping your mouth and winning competitions to actually playing the Big Brother Game.

The game of BB can be interpreted by people differently but at the end of the day you need to make moves and keep the target off of you so you remain in the house, yet a vital part of the game. All the while keeping the numbers on your side. All this kid is doing is showing his ass, being arrogant and acting as though he has all the cards when in fact, I'm pretty sure he's playing checkers.

Zach Rance
One thing I will add before I wrap up. This Zach kid is hidden so deep in the closet it's not even funny. He's more gay than Frankie and I hope he'll admit it to himself once he re-enters the real world. In the mean time I give him mad props for being the only one dumb brave enough to tell Devin the truth, even if he did sissy out in the end. I guess since Devin is HOH, they'll all doing as Frankie suggested and lying to Devin to ensure themselves protection but holy gawd it was awesome to see Zach just call it how it is.