Monday, July 28, 2014

Calling All Fruit Loop Dingsus'!?

Report To Duty on Big Brother 16!

If anyone can fill me in on exactly what the hell a Fruit Loop Dingus is, that would be greatly appreciated.  I don't hate Zach. But I'm not sure if I like him either. He is overtly annoying but semi-entertaining and perhaps he still makes good TV.  At least he isn't as predictable as the rest of the house. He's not afraid to shake things up, even if what he says and does makes absolutely no sense to anyone not living in his fruity little existence.


You Suck.

Did you even try to instigate a fight? It wouldn't be so easy to say something to Zach about being a douchebag and then let the house react. Buncha sissies.

The best thing about Sunday's episode was Caleb and Amber's date. It was so painfully, yet hilariously, awkward! Caleb really is two cents short of a clue and it's priceless how the editing team for Big Brother is making him look like a total dipshit. Or is it editing? Who knows. I still don't like Amber though and I don't understand what the draw is to her anyways.  I know she's Zach's "target" and I wouldn't be sad to see her go, but I wouldn't mind Zach shaking up the house and sending Caleb packing. Someone need to do something to make this season interesting again. Something.

CBS has invited past house guests to write Blogs, recapping the week's events. Dan did one, which was boring as the day is long. However, Britney never fails to disappoint.

 Read her blog A Creep, An Idiot and A Pre-Pubescent Teen for a fun perspective of someone not afraid to call it how she sees it!

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