Thursday, July 10, 2014

I'm A Big Brother Funatic!

I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a Big Brother fanatic or even a student of the game but I have seen pretty much every episode since it's conception and absolutely love this show.

No one else in my house watches the show so I'm often left to my own devices when it comes to discussing what is going down and my opinions of people, so I thought - what the hell - why not start another blog I won't finish! So here it is!

Thus far we've had one eviction and I fully admit, I had to refer to the Big Brother website to even remember. Not to say I didn't enjoy Joey but something about her eviction was obviously forgetable.  I am not wasting my time or yours with any sort of a recap. Chances are if you're reading this blog - it's because you actually watch the show, so let's just get down to business.

Caleb Reynolds

I fully admit I have a soft spot for Caleb since he is a Kentucky boy but it pretty much ends there. The only thing I really have to say about him is I found it absolutely hilarious how Amber shut this pretty boy down hard and fast! Sure they're both attractive people but neither one of them cranks my tractor. The true sign of an over-confident country boy is, after the girl rejects him left right and center, he still has the audacity to make the comment "I don't know if I just made her day or not". Really? Dude. she's not interested.

Brittany Martinez

I can't help it, I like Brittany and it has nothing to do with her sob story of being a single parent. However, I will give her props for being intelligent enough to play that care with psycho boy to ensure her longevity in the house. She clearly doesn't like Devin and could have had an early exit if she stuck to her principal but instead - she swallowed her pride and did what she had to do to stay in the game. To me, that shows the make of a true player. It should be interesting to see the shit hit the fan when she confronts Pow Wow or whatever the hell her name is. I really hope Pow Wow is sent packing for no other reason than she makes me feel dumber by just watching her.

Frankie Grande
I wanted to hate him. I really did. I tried. But I can't! I figured coming into the show having a celebrity sibling (one that I've never even heard of) would go to his head. Well maybe it had and does but he's so fun and charismatic I don't even care. He's enjoyable to watch, is entertaining, is playing a great game and isn't being the typical 'gay guy' who hangs with all the girls, painting his nails. I give kudos to the other men in the house who treat him like one of the boys, I think that really made a difference in Frankie's game.

Devin Shepherd
I don't want to do a character analysis on every house guest but I can't conclude my first entry without putting into words how much of a dipshit Devin is. While I can (painfully) admit that after reading his HOH Blog, I dislike him a little less - he still remains one of the most overly annoying people I've ever seen attempt to play this game. And I mean attempt. I know he'll say he's playing hard but there's a difference between flapping your mouth and winning competitions to actually playing the Big Brother Game.

The game of BB can be interpreted by people differently but at the end of the day you need to make moves and keep the target off of you so you remain in the house, yet a vital part of the game. All the while keeping the numbers on your side. All this kid is doing is showing his ass, being arrogant and acting as though he has all the cards when in fact, I'm pretty sure he's playing checkers.

Zach Rance
One thing I will add before I wrap up. This Zach kid is hidden so deep in the closet it's not even funny. He's more gay than Frankie and I hope he'll admit it to himself once he re-enters the real world. In the mean time I give him mad props for being the only one dumb brave enough to tell Devin the truth, even if he did sissy out in the end. I guess since Devin is HOH, they'll all doing as Frankie suggested and lying to Devin to ensure themselves protection but holy gawd it was awesome to see Zach just call it how it is.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just a casual fan, but, your insight has me interested.
    I wonder how you feel about Donny.....I think he is a great character!
